
Yay PGP Crap. I wrote a (ok, hacked togeather) socket chat thing that does PGP.
All the stuff in the .frms is mine, the rest is writeen by Steven R Heller. Oh, and you need PGP 6.5.* installed. See for more details.
31st of May
Decided to upload some MD5 examples using the MD5 DLL from
The DLL is included in the zip, since i've been told I can distribute it, please read the md5readme.txt if you want to use it, or see the above URL. Grab the example code
11th of May, OTA
I've uploaded what I have of httptunnel so far, dunno if i'll work on it anymore.
Basically it lets you use normal tcp apps through a http proxy.
2nd of May, 2001.
Here's a bit of source that will uh do stuff with crlfs and lists for wimpzster on #visualbasic.
Right now im working on something that will let you "tunnel" tcp over http proxies. Not that hard really.
Somewhere around the 29th of April, 2001
Added the projects first file. A prime number generator! yay!. Does noraml mod and trial division. Check the VBWare project page

What is VBWare?

VBWare is a term I came up with one day. VBWare is anything written in visual basic that is released into the public domain WITH source. (Which is also public domain)


Why not? First off, who in their right mind is going to pay money for this stuff?
Yes, there can be useful programs written in VB, but I don't think they are worth any money.
VBWare is an effort to get all the PD VB programs there are out there gathered into one place in the hope that even one person might find something useful here, or that someone using VB can learn from the code.

Why Public Domain, why not just freeware?

Good question.
The public domain is where old expired copyrighted stuff is supposed to goto rest. However, thanks to corporate interests, it never will.
So what the PD is now, is where authors have given up the copyrights on their "IP" so anyone can use/modify/distribute it. The public domain is for everyone.
Another reason to release the binaries and source into the public domain is again, so anyone can use it without any restrictions. (Plus it really is "Free")

For now, see VBWares Project page

This project is kindly hosted by sourceforge. May they kindly continue to put up with the pervetedness.
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